


What is Naviance Family Connection?
The West Irondequoit Central School District is pleased to offer our families access to Naviance Family Connection. It is a Web-based college and career research and planning tool for students. School districts all over the country are subscribing to Naviance to assist students and families with the critical and sometimes overwhelming tasks of exploring careers, researching colleges, applying for scholarships, and completing college applications.

Once logged into Naviance, students will be directed to a Home Page.  This page contains timely messages from the Counseling and Career Centers and should be visited weekly.  Information on the Home Page may include:

· Upcoming visits from  college admissions representatives
· Career and employment connections
· Registration deadlines for SAT’s and ACT’s
· Local scholarship opportunities
· And more…..

The Home Page also links students to the three main components of Naviance:

· Career explorations through surveys on interest, multiple intelligences, learning style, personality, and/or strengths.
· Use the results of these surveys to explore suggested college majors and careers.
· Develop and maintain a resume recording high school activities, awards, volunteer and paid work experiences, etc. (This resume will be used to assist counselors and teachers in writing letters of recommendation and to identify students  for local scholarship opportunities.)

· Explore careers based on related skills and interest through clusters and pathways.
· Road-trip Nation - watch videos of visionary leaders talking about struggle, triumph and self discovery that have been broken into 48 themes and 29 interests.

· Research colleges based on a wide range of criteria.
· Compare GPA and SAT results to past West Irondequoit students who applied to similar schools.
· Research scholarships.
· Maintain and update lists of “colleges I am thinking about” and “colleges I am applying to”.
· Complete, submit and track college applications.

About Me
· Develop and maintain a resume recording recording high school activities, awards, volunteer and paid work experiences, etc. (This resume will be used to assist counselors and teachers in writing letters of recommendation and to identify   students for local scholarship opportunities.)


Step one:  Log into the network and click on Clever

Step two:  Select “Log in with Active Directory”.

Step three:  Click on the Naviance tile.

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