Choristers Expectations

Choristers Expectations


1. Be on time, prepared for class and sectionals with all materials

Folder, music and pencil every day

2. Always do your best

Focus on rehearsal 100% of the time

Always work to improve your voice

3. Attend all rehearsals and required performances


Classroom Policies


1. Only positive comments in this room

2. Throw gum away before rehearsal starts

3. Do not use your phone during class

4. Bathroom passes are available. Always ask permission to use a pass before taking it.

5. Follow all rules and policies in the student handbook.




Your grades are determined by the above expectations and policies within two categories.


20% of your grade: Academic Behavior

  • Preparation for class, timeliness, lesson and rehearsal attendance, effort, etc.
  • Homework/practice completion


80% of your grade: Learning Tasks and Assessments

  • Musicianship and assignments: rehearsal and vocal technique, posture, group and individual part checks, sight reading skills, written assignments and sectional work, quizzes and tests, etc.
  • Concert performances


* Extra credit at any time: Attend a concert as an audience member, write a review of the concert and turn in review with program.

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